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Craft Fair Vendor FAQ


There are main doors both upper and lower entrances that come into the commons. Doors are open to the public from 9am to 3pm. The lower commons is our busier entrance.

Lower Commons (Food Court)

We reserve the lower commons for food vendors for several reasons. Because they are adjacent to our concessions it keeps all food in one area. With the convenience of the tables we try to keep the food out of the carpeted areas to be considerate guests of our school and maintenance staff. As such they pay a premium to be in the area. 


There are two elevators. One elevator is located in the commons just before the hallway. The second elevator is at the end of the hallways next to the far stairs.

Access Time 

  • The doors will open at 7am for you to unload your items. 

  • Check-In Starts at 7am, please check-in before 9am



  • ​The Upper Lot (West Lot) provides convenient, direct access to the school's upper level, while the Lower Lot (East Lot) offers direct access to the lower level, without having to use the elevator. Please ensure you park in the appropriate lot for unloading.

  • If you are in the Cafeteria, Lower Commons, Lower Hallway - you may unload in the lower lot (East lot). You can park in the fire lane, unload and then move your car.

  • If you are in the Upper Commons or Upper Hallway - you may unload in the upper lot (West lot). You can park in the fire lane, unload and then move your car. 

  • After unloading, You MUST move your car to the back of the lot, this allows shoppers easier access to visit us. Please unload and move your car before you set-up. 

  • DO NOT MOVE the cones in the lot.


Handcarts, wagons, and other moving supplies

  • The school does not have carts for vendor use.

  • Please bring your own moving supplies.

  • Sam's Club, Costco, and other shops have great deals on Wagons and handcarts.



  • We will have Volunteers to help you unload and load your cars.

  • Please DO NOT TIP them they are being paid for their help!

  • Consider making a Donation to the PTCO to show your appreciation.


Tables & Chairs

  • We do not supply tables and chairs as we only have a limited amount, please do not expect we will have any available if you need either at the last minute and we have some you will be charged.

  • If you paid for them in advance they will be at your booth.

  • Go to the shop to reserve. 


Food Vendors-

Please be a good guest to our school. If you serve samples or provide ready made food we would prefer you find a booth in either the Lower commons or in the Cafeteria to reduce and issues with spills on any other carpeted areas.

Fire Safety


Lower Commons

There are FOOD VENDOR ONLY spaces in the lower commons. We try to reserve these for ready serve food vendors (i.e. bread vendor, candy sales, any one needing to prep etc.) These booths are at a premium as they are a high traffic area. Vendors in the lower commons can not compete with the concession stand. (Burritos, Pizza, Nachos, Hot dogs etc.) If you have any Questions please contact the Craft Fair Coordinators.

Service Animals

We welcome all service animals . Please note only service animals permissible in accordance with School District, State, Federal and local laws are permitted.


  • If you purchased electrical Please BRING Extension Cords and or extra plug adaptors you get 1 plug so if you need more bring an adaptor to plug in other things, it is very possible you will share the outlet!!!  

  • Please be prepared to tape down your cord so you don’t trip.


  • It is your responsibility to pay your city and state taxes - 8.0%  

  • You are responsible for manning your booth, collecting money and taxes from sales, and remitting the tax money to the proper agency. 

  • For more information consult your accountant.


Your are responsible for:

City of Aurora

City Of Aurora Tax Info Page

Tax and Licensing Division

15151 E Alameda Parkway

Fifth Floor PO BOX 33001

Aurora, CO 80041

(303) 739-7800 (303) 739-7559 fax  


City of Aurora 3.75%

State 2.90%

RTD 1.00%

Cultural 0.10%

Arapahoe County 0.25%

Total Rate 8.00%  

The rest of the tax is turned into the State of Colorado.  

State of Colorado:  CO Department Of Revenue

The department of Revenue has provided the forms below for your convenience.

If you have any questions please contact 

Vice President of Fundraising
Cherokee Trail High School PTCO

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